
Sit Less, Get Active

The University of Edinburgh

Join the Sit Less, Get Active course to combat physical inactivity and sedentariness. Discover practical ways to meet physical activity guidelines, monitor your activity, and set personalized goals. Explore strategies for incorporating physical activity into various settings, from home to work, and empower others to do the same.

  • Learn about physical activity, monitoring, and goal setting
  • Explore ways to be active in different environments
  • Discover how to make physical activity a lifelong habit
  • Empower others to sit less and get more active

Take advantage of the opportunity to receive weekly physical activity health messages and monthly video reminders for six months after the initial three-week course. Whether you're a health professional or an individual looking to lead a more active lifestyle, this course offers valuable insights and practical guidance.

Certificate Available ✔

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Sit Less, Get Active
Course Modules

Embark on the Sit Less, Get Active course to learn about physical activity, monitoring, goal setting, and strategies for incorporating activity into different environments. Empower yourself and others to lead a more active lifestyle.

Welcome to Sit Less, Get Active 1

MODULE 1: Welcome to Sit Less, Get Active 1

Gain an introduction to the course and set the stage for your journey to combat physical inactivity and sedentariness. Prepare to learn how to monitor your activity and set personalized physical activity goals.

Defining, measuring and getting started with physical activity

MODULE 2: Defining, measuring and getting started with physical activity

  • Explore what physical activity entails and practical ways to meet activity guidelines
  • Understand how to monitor your activity and set personalized physical activity goals
  • Delve into various case studies and optional readings to enhance your learning

Sit less, get active wherever you are!

MODULE 3: Sit less, get active wherever you are!

Discover strategies for being active in built and natural environments, at home, work, and in educational settings. Engage with videos, readings, and quizzes to deepen your understanding.

Sit less, get active wherever you are!: Lesson Choices

MODULE 4: Sit less, get active wherever you are!: Lesson Choices

This module offers lesson choices for further exploration and application of the strategies learned in previous modules. Students can select specific areas of interest to focus on.

Making physical activity a lifelong habit for you and others

MODULE 5: Making physical activity a lifelong habit for you and others

  • Explore specific ways to be active in leisure centers and during pregnancy
  • Learn how to make physical activity a habit and support others in their journey towards a more active lifestyle
  • Engage with inspiring stories and practical tips from health professionals and individuals leading active lives
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