
Introduction to Marketing

University of Pennsylvania

Embark on a dynamic journey into the world of marketing with "Introduction to Marketing." This course, offered by the University of Pennsylvania and taught by top faculty from Wharton's marketing department, delves into the core topics of branding, customer centricity, and go-to-market strategies.

  • Learn the fundamental principles of branding and brand equity to keep customers engaged in a dynamic business environment.
  • Discover the intricacies of customer centricity, emphasizing customer focus and need-gathering to drive business success.
  • Explore practical go-to-market strategies and understand the factors that influence customer behavior before making strategic investments.

Upon completion, you'll have the opportunity to undertake the Capstone Project, offering a strategic analysis and proposed solutions to real business challenges faced by esteemed companies. Join this course to refine your marketing expertise and elevate your strategic thinking in the business world.

Certificate Available ✔

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Introduction to Marketing
Course Modules

This course comprises modules covering branding strategies, customer centricity, go-to-market tactics, brand communications, and applied marketing. Dive into each module to gain in-depth knowledge and practical insights into the world of marketing.

BRANDING: Marketing Strategy and Brand Positioning

Module 1: Explore the fundamental principles of branding, marketing strategy, and brand positioning. Gain insights into the importance of brand equity, segmentation, targeting, and the art of brand positioning.

CUSTOMER CENTRICITY: The Limits of Product-Centric Thinking & The Opportunities and Challenges of Customer Centricity

Module 2: Delve into the limits of product-centric thinking and the opportunities and challenges of customer centricity. Learn to transition from product-centric to customer-centric management and understand the essence of customer-centric business models.

GO TO MARKET STRATEGIES: Communications Strategy & Fundamentals of Pricing

Module 3: Uncover the dynamics of go-to-market strategies, including communications, pricing, and understanding customer behavior. Gain insights into designing effective communications campaigns, pricing strategies, and creating customer access.

BRANDING: Effective Brand Communications Strategies and Repositioning Strategies

Module 4: Explore effective brand communications strategies and repositioning strategies. Understand the nuances of brand messaging, communication, brand elements, and the art of repositioning a brand to stay relevant in the market.

Applied Marketing (Optional)

Module 5: Optional module covering applied marketing, offering real-world case studies and insights into customer centricity, brand positioning, and customer analytics initiatives.

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