
Real-World Cloud PM 2 of 3: Managing, Innovating, Pricing

Advancing Women in Tech

Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS), the Real-World Cloud PM 2 of 3: Managing, Innovating, Pricing course is the second in a 3-course Specialization offered by Advancing Women in Tech. Tailored for product managers and professionals involved in the expanding cloud computing sector, this course provides practical knowledge and strategies for mastering the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam.

Throughout the course, learners will delve into a comprehensive array of topics, including common approaches to compute, containers, serverless, distributed, and application integration. They will also gain insights into different databases and analytics tools, as well as essential concepts of cloud management, governance, machine learning, and quantum computing. Additionally, participants will learn how to effectively manage cloud costs as a customer and set pricing as a product manager.

Featuring industry experts such as Nancy Wang, GM of AWS Data Protection Services and Founder and CEO of Advancing Women in Tech, and Gordon Yu, Technical Product Manager at AWS, this course presents invaluable insights and practical guidance from experienced professionals in the field.

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Real-World Cloud PM 2 of 3: Managing, Innovating, Pricing
Course Modules

The course modules cover a wide range of essential topics, including compute, containers, serverless, databases, analytics, costs, management, governance, and other cloud services, providing comprehensive insights into real-world cloud product management.


Module 1 delves into essential aspects of compute, including EC2, containers, serverless, application integration, and more. Participants will explore various compute services and gain practical knowledge and insights into managing these technologies effectively.

Databases, Analytics & Costs

Module 2 focuses on databases, analytics, and costs, providing in-depth insights into different database technologies, analytics tools, and cost management strategies. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of these crucial aspects of cloud computing.

Management, Governance & Other Services

Module 3 covers management, governance, and other cloud services, offering practical guidance on effectively managing and governing cloud resources. Participants will also explore additional essential cloud services, expanding their knowledge and skill set in cloud product management.

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