
Liderazgo, Motivación y Gestión de Recursos Humanos

Universidad de Palermo

Enhance your leadership and human resource management capabilities with the specialized program on Liderazgo, Motivación y Gestión de Recursos Humanos offered by Universidad de Palermo. This comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge to recognize various leadership styles, effectively communicate with teams, and strategically manage human talent.

Throughout the program, you will delve into the significance of strategic development in human capital management, understand the elements of effective teams, and grasp the importance of talent as a motivational force. Acquire competencies to strategically manage human talent, taking into account the current market dynamics.

  • Recognize different leadership styles
  • Identify key elements of effective teams and talent as a motivational source
  • Develop skills to strategically manage human talent

Embark on a learning journey across four modules, beginning with the exploration of human resource administration and the strategic development of human capital. Subsequently, gain insights into motivating team dynamics and the role of talent as a motivator for collective intelligence. Further, delve into the strategic management of talent, focusing on strategies to attract, recruit, develop, and retain human talent within an organization. Finally, learn about leadership and effective communication in the organizational context, recognizing different leadership styles and acquiring tools for efficient team communication.

Certificate Available ✔

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Liderazgo, Motivación y Gestión de Recursos Humanos
Course Modules

Enhance your skills across four comprehensive modules covering human resource administration, team motivation, talent management, and leadership with effective communication.

Administración de Recursos Humanos

Explore the importance of strategic development in human capital management and the implementation of best practices to add competitive value. Gain insights into the latest concepts in people management and strategies to enhance organizational performance.

Motivando Equipos de Trabajo

Acquire an understanding of key elements of effective teams and sustainable models for proactive decision-making. Identify talent as an essential motivator for teamwork and activate engagement to enhance collective intelligence. Integrate theory and personalized application through the focus on applied neuroscience for enjoyable education (Smarted).

Gestión del Talento

Delve into talent management, encompassing strategies and actions to attract, recruit, develop, retain, and maximize human talent within an organization. Learn to maximize employee performance and potential, contributing to long-term organizational success.

Liderazgo y comunicación

Learn to recognize different leadership styles and effectively communicate with teams. Acquire tools to review decision-making mechanisms for resource coordination, administration, and supervision. Understand the leader's role and the impact of their actions within the organizational framework. Incorporate communication techniques for assertive message delivery.

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