
Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind

Arizona State University

In "Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind," educators learn to design lesson plans tailored to ELLs' language needs and cognitive abilities. The course covers second language acquisition theories, linguistic assessment, vocabulary and grammar analysis, and activity development. Participants also explore material adaptation and lesson delivery, ultimately applying their knowledge to create effective ELL lesson plans.

The course comprises four modules, each addressing different aspects of lesson planning for ELLs. Module 1 delves into language and communication skills, while Module 2 focuses on cognitive and learning skills. Module 3 explores lesson planning considerations, and Module 4 covers materials and lesson delivery. The final module, Module 5, provides practical examples of ELL lesson plans in action. The course concludes with Module 6, which entails a final assessment and review of adapted content materials for ELLs.

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Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind
Course Modules

This comprehensive course consists of six modules covering various aspects of lesson planning for English Language Learners. Participants will gain expertise in language and communication skills, cognitive and learning skills, lesson planning considerations, materials and lesson delivery, and practical application of ELL lesson plans.

ELL Language and Communication Skills Across the Curriculum

This module focuses on language and communication skills essential for effective lesson planning for ELLs. Participants explore second language acquisition theories, linguistic assessment, vocabulary, and grammar analysis, as well as lesson annotation and plan alignment with standards.

ELL Cognitive and Learning SKills Across the Curriculum

Module 2 delves into cognitive and learning skills, emphasizing the development of cognitive skills, learning skills, and the affective filter. Participants learn to incorporate these skills into their lesson plans to support ELLs' academic success.

Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind

This module provides insights into lesson planning considerations, including language genres by content, writing learning outcomes, aligning outcomes to standards, and designing activities with ELLs in mind. Participants also gain exposure to language development standards and inquiry-based learning strategies.

Materials and Lesson Delivery

Module 4 focuses on material selection and adaptation, activity types, and effective lesson delivery for ELLs. Participants learn to modify materials and employ scaffolding techniques to support ELLs' access to content, enhancing their learning experience.

ELL Lesson Planning in Action

Module 5 offers practical examples of ELL lesson plans in action, covering various subject areas such as social studies, language arts, and mathematics. Participants gain hands-on experience in applying the knowledge acquired throughout the course.


Module 6 concludes the course with a final assessment and review of content materials adapted for ELLs. Participants demonstrate their proficiency in designing effective lesson plans tailored to the linguistic and cognitive needs of ELLs.

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