
Uncommon Sense Teaching: Part 2, Building Community and Habits of Learning

Deep Teaching Solutions

In Uncommon Sense Teaching: Part 2, Building Community and Habits of Learning, educators will explore innovative strategies and insights tailored to today's diverse teaching landscape. This course provides practical guidance on leveraging neurodiversity, managing classroom habits, and fostering a supportive learning environment.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of neurodiversity, including dyslexia, ADHD, and autism, to support students with diverse learning needs.
  • Learn the value of forgetting and how to utilize habits formed by the procedural system for effective classroom management.
  • Explore the judicious use of rewards to motivate students and avoid educational fads that may hinder learning.
  • Discover the power of lesson plans and how to bring out the best in students across various subjects and educational settings.

Uncommon Sense Teaching: Part 2 equips educators with practical, research-backed approaches to elevate their teaching and meet the needs of students with varying abilities.

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Uncommon Sense Teaching: Part 2, Building Community and Habits of Learning
Course Modules

Uncommon Sense Teaching: Part 2 comprises four weeks of in-depth exploration, including motivation, stress, character change, teaching procedural and declarative pathways, critical thinking, bias, and neurodiversity.

Week 1: Motivation, Stress, and Character Change

Week 1 delves into motivation, stress, and character change, providing insights into the interconnected dynamics of learning and motivation. Educators will explore the challenges and opportunities in fostering character change, managing stress, and promoting motivation in students.

Week 2: How to Reach and Teach Both Procedural and Declarative Pathways

Week 2 focuses on teaching procedural and declarative pathways, offering practical guidance on reaching and teaching both systems effectively. Educators will learn how to leverage habits in the classroom and cultivate mindful behaviors for enhanced learning experiences.

Week 3: Intellectual Humility, Critical Thinking, and Bias

During Week 3, educators will delve into intellectual humility, critical thinking, and bias. This module provides valuable insights into promoting critical thinking from a neuroscientific perspective, addressing biases, and fostering intellectual humility in educational settings.

Neurodiversity, Student Groups, and Charting Your Course to the Finish Line!

The final week explores neurodiversity, student groups, and charting a course to the finish line. Educators will gain a deeper understanding of dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, autism, and other syndromes, as well as practical strategies for assessments, lesson planning, and supporting diverse student groups.

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