
Facilitate Organized Online Dialogue with Considerit

Coursera Project Network

Why is it so hard to participate in fruitful online dialogues, especially with dozens or hundreds of participants? This project introduces Considerit, a digital tool for civil, organized, and efficient online dialogue. In this course, you will learn to participate in a Considerit-powered forum on possible futures ahead of us and create your own forum based on a specific need or idea. You'll also have the opportunity to deliver direct feedback to both Considerit and Coursera/Rhyme creators.

  • Experience the capacity of Considerit to handle nuances of complex discussions
  • Learn to visually summarize what a community thinks about a specific statement and why
  • Participate in a Considerit powered forum on the possible futures ahead of us
  • Create your own forum, based on a specific need/idea you have in mind
  • Deliver direct feedback to both Considerit and Coursera/Rhyme creators

Certificate Available ✔

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Facilitate Organized Online Dialogue with Considerit
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