
Valorar naturaleza y personas para fundamentar decisiones

Capitals Coalition

Embark on a transformative journey to understand and integrate natural, social, and human capitals into business decision-making with the course "Valorar naturaleza y personas para fundamentar decisiones." Delve into the capitals approach, risk management, and opportunities, and learn to conduct a comprehensive capitals assessment. This introductory course equips learners with crucial knowledge and skills to drive positive change at both individual and organizational levels.

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Valorar naturaleza y personas para fundamentar decisiones
Course Modules

Explore four comprehensive modules covering the Capitals Approach, risk and opportunities management, natural capital assessment, and measuring and valuing natural capital. Gain insights from industry examples and learn to drive impactful change at both individual and organizational levels.

El papel de las empresas para abordar los grandes desafíos de la pérdida de la naturaleza, el cambio climático y la desigualdad.

MODULE 1: Delve into the essential role of businesses in addressing major challenges related to the loss of nature, climate change, and inequality. Learn about the risks and opportunities associated with nature, people, and society, and gain insights into the business case for an integrated capitals assessment. This module sets the foundation for understanding the Capitals Approach and the importance of embedding natural, social, and human capitals into business decision-making.

Gestionar mejor los riesgos y las oportunidades mediante la adopción de un enfoque de capitales

MODULE 2: Gain a deeper understanding of managing risks and opportunities through the adoption of a capitals approach. Explore real-life business examples and learn about engaging stakeholders in decision-making processes, planning the process, and securing internal support for actionable steps. This module equips learners with essential knowledge to effectively manage risks and opportunities in business decision-making.

Comenzando Con una Evaluación del Capital Natural: Definición del Objetivo y Determinación del Alcance Apropiado

MODULE 3: Embark on the journey of commencing a natural capital assessment by defining the objective and determining the appropriate scope. Gain insights into identifying materiality, understanding impact and dependencies, and effectively engaging stakeholders. This module provides a comprehensive understanding of initiating a natural capital assessment and its critical components.

Medir y valorar impactos y dependencias para integrar el capital natural en la toma de decisiones

MODULE 4: Immerse yourself in the process of measuring and valuing impacts and dependencies to integrate natural capital into decision-making. Learn about qualitative, quantitative, and monetary measurements, identifying indicators, and communicating results. This module provides learners with the essential knowledge and techniques to effectively measure and value natural capital for informed decision-making.

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