
Save, Load and Export Models with Keras

Coursera Project Network

In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will delve into the realm of saving, loading, and exporting models with Keras. Whether you aim to save just the model weights or the entire architecture, this course equips you with the necessary skills. You will also learn to export models to TensorFlow's Saved Model format, a valuable asset for model deployment in production environments. Furthermore, the ability to load models from the Saved Model format back into Keras will be a key focal point of this course.

Prerequisite for this course is a familiarity with Python programming and basic knowledge of neural networks. The comprehensive understanding of these fundamental concepts will pave the way for a successful learning journey.

  • Save, load, and export models with Keras
  • Understand the process of saving model checkpoints during training

Immerse yourself in this course to gain a strong foothold in the intricacies of model management with Keras.

Certificate Available ✔

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Save, Load and Export Models with Keras
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