
Liderança Estratégica

Fundação Instituto de Administração

Liderança Estratégica is a dynamic course offered by Fundação Instituto de Administração. This comprehensive program delves into the critical role of leadership in strategic processes and offers practical insights for aspiring and current leaders.

The course encompasses four engaging modules covering topics such as strategic thinking, different leadership approaches, organizational culture, and leading strategic change. Learners will explore the complexities of strategic leadership and gain a deep understanding of how effective leadership can steer organizations towards success.

With a blend of videos, readings, and knowledge assessments, participants will be equipped to interpret the role of a strategic leader, develop human development plans with strategic leadership in mind, and enhance their leadership capabilities.

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Liderança Estratégica
Course Modules

Liderança Estratégica comprises four modules that delve into strategic leadership, different leadership approaches, organizational culture, and leading strategic change. Each module offers a comprehensive exploration of vital aspects of strategic leadership, equipping learners with practical insights and skills.

Pensamento Estratégico e Liderança

The first module, "Pensamento Estratégico e Liderança," delves into the importance of strategic thinking and leadership. Participants will explore different aspects of strategic thinking and its relevance to effective leadership. They will also examine historical explanations and modern applications of strategic thinking, providing a solid foundation for strategic leadership.

Diferentes Abordagens para se Entender Liderança

The second module, "Diferentes Abordagens para se Entender Liderança," focuses on different theories and approaches to understanding leadership. Learners will explore concepts such as trait-based, behavioral, contingency, transactional, and transformational theories, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of leadership.

Cultura Organizacional e Estratégia

The third module, "Cultura Organizacional e Estratégia," explores the intricate relationship between organizational culture and strategy. Participants will gain insights into the functions, formation, and impact of organizational culture, as well as its role in creating a competitive advantage. They will also learn to foster an ethical and positive organizational culture.

O Líder na Mudança Estratégica

The final module, "O Líder na Mudança Estratégica," delves into the critical role of leaders in driving strategic change. Participants will explore topics such as resistance to change, the influence of culture and power in organizations, and strategies for leading and creating a culture of change. This module equips learners with essential skills for leading strategic change initiatives.

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