
Technology Strategy: Creative Destruction

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The course "Technology Strategy: Creative Destruction" by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is designed to offer a comprehensive understanding of the strategic implications of technological innovation on businesses and industries. Through a series of modules, participants will delve into the lifecycles of innovation, technological disruption, business model innovation, and standards and platforms. The course aims to empower managers and entrepreneurs with the knowledge and strategies necessary to analyze business situations and develop effective strategic responses in highly innovative and fast-moving businesses.

  • Gain insights into the lifecycles of innovation, including innovation adoption, product lifecycle, technology S-curves, and industry lifecycle.
  • Explore the concept of technological disruption, covering demand-side and supply-side disruption, and strategies for creating and managing disruptive innovation.
  • Examine the importance of business model innovation and its impact on industries, with a focus on the V.A.R.S framework and real-world case studies.
  • Understand the strategic logic of platforms, network effects, and multisided platforms, along with the implications of standards and platforms in the digital era.

By the end of the course, participants will have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to assess strategic problems arising from innovation and technological change, and implement appropriate strategic responses to achieve market leadership for their companies.

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Technology Strategy: Creative Destruction
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules: Lifecycles of Innovation, Technological Disruption, Business Model Innovation, and Standards and Platforms. Participants will gain insights into managing technological change and innovation, strategic responses, and industry impact.


The Lifecycles of Innovation module provides a comprehensive understanding of the different lifecycles associated with innovation, including adoption, product, technology S-curves, and industry lifecycles. Participants will gain insights into the implications of various types of innovation and their impact on industries, enabling them to make informed strategic decisions.


The Technological Disruption module delves into the disruptive forces of technology, covering demand-side and supply-side disruption, and the challenges and solutions associated with disruptive innovation. Participants will learn to identify and respond to technological disruptions, gaining a strategic edge in highly innovative and fast-moving businesses.


The Business Model Innovation module focuses on the importance of business model innovation and introduces the V.A.R.S framework, along with real-world case studies to illustrate its impact. Participants will develop a deep understanding of business model disruption and its implications, equipping them with the skills to innovate and adapt in dynamic business environments.


The Standards and Platforms module explores the strategic logic of platforms, network effects, and the impact of standards in the digital era. Participants will gain insights into the dynamics of digital platforms, long-tail, crowdsourcing, and bundling, enabling them to develop strategic responses to leverage platforms for competitive advantage.

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