
Sales Strategy

Fundação Instituto de Administração

Welcome to Course 2 - Sales Strategy, designed to equip learners with the skills to apply intelligence analysis in sales planning. This course focuses on integrating sales planning into corporate strategy, transitioning from traditional to strategic sales planning, and improving value creation from the sales function. Through a final assignment based on a real-life business case, participants will apply the conceptual framework discussed in the course to evaluate outcomes through a peer-review process.

  • Integration of sales planning into corporate strategy
  • Transition from traditional to strategic sales planning
  • Improving value creation from the sales function
  • Application of intelligence analysis in sales planning
  • Real-life business case-based final assignment

Certificate Available ✔

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Sales Strategy
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules, covering sales intelligence, applying intelligence to understand strategic context, analytical tools and techniques for sales, and strategic sales management in action, joined through intelligence.

Module 1 - Sales intelligence

This module delves into sales intelligence, exploring traditional and strategic sales approaches, the importance of informed decision-making, and the intelligence problem definition in sales. It covers various tools and techniques for sales intelligence, including competitive intelligence, and concludes with graded and practice quizzes to reinforce learning.

Module 2 - Applying intelligence to understand your strategic context

In this module, learners explore the relationship between sales and strategy, the impact of the external environment on sales potential, monitoring approaches, and the implications of external changes on competitive strategy. The module also covers internal analysis and its implications on sales, bridging the gap between strategy and sales, leading to a better understanding of the strategic context. Graded and practice quizzes are provided for assessment.

Module 3 - Intelligence analysis for sales: Analytical tools and techniques

This module focuses on intelligence analysis tools and techniques for sales, including the importance of analytical tools, 5 Forces Analysis, STEEP Analysis, and Value Chain Analysis. Learners also explore integrating outcomes of intelligence analysis into sales planning, with a comprehensive understanding of various analytical techniques. Practice quizzes are incorporated for hands-on learning.

Module 4 - Strategic sales Management in action – joining intelligence in your journey

The final module reviews the course and guides learners through the assignment development process. It presents a real-life business case, the Helvetia Case, which participants analyze using the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. This module serves as a practical application of the concepts covered, challenging learners to demonstrate their understanding through the evaluation of a complex business scenario.

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