
Design Thinking: Discovery Tools

University of Virginia

Welcome to the course "Design Thinking: Discovery Tools" offered by the University of Virginia. This comprehensive course delves into the most important tools from the field of human-centered design, providing designers with the skills to connect with customers on a human level and discover more about potential clients. Through engaging modules, participants will learn to use stakeholder mapping, journey mapping, personas, value-chain analysis, the job-to-be-done, and ethnographic interviews, among other critical tools.

The course is designed to help participants think creatively and generate innovative ideas by observing and understanding customer behaviors. Each module offers practical insights and tools that can be applied to real-world design challenges. With a focus on connecting with customers on a human level, participants will gain valuable knowledge in using design thinking tools to understand customer needs, develop empathy, and drive creative solutions. Join this course to enhance your design thinking skills and take your creativity to the next level.

Certificate Available ✔

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Design Thinking: Discovery Tools
Course Modules

Design Thinking: Discovery Tools covers critical tools such as stakeholder mapping, journey mapping, personas, value-chain analysis, the job-to-be-done, and ethnographic interviews. Through engaging modules, participants will learn to connect with customers on a human level and think creatively to discover more about potential clients.

Stakeholder Map

Module 1: Stakeholder Map

  • Introduction to Discovery Tools
  • Becoming Creative
  • Stakeholder Mapping Overview
  • Stakeholder Mapping Example
  • Tool Workshop Stakeholder Mapping
  • The FDA Story
  • Course Overview and Requirements
  • Project Activity - Stakeholder Map
  • Week 1 Quiz
  • Stakeholder Mapping

Job to be Done and Ethnographic Interviews

Module 2: Job to be Done and Ethnographic Interviews

  • Reframing using Job to be Done
  • Job to be Done Two Components
  • Ethnographic Interviewing
  • Tools in Use- Framing at the Mayo Clinic
  • Tools in Use- Framing in Hospital Settings
  • Tools in Use- The Job to be Done at Pfizer
  • KINGWOOD Overview
  • KINGWOOD Defining the Problem
  • KINGWOOD Adapting Research Tools
  • KINGWOOD Involving Key Stakeholders
  • KINGWOOD Using Visualization
  • KINGWOOD Developing Empathy
  • Project Activity - Job To Be Done
  • Project Activity - Ethnographic Interviews
  • Week 2 Quiz
  • JTBD and Ethnographic Interviewing

Journey Map

Module 3: Journey Map

  • Journey Maps and Unmet Customer Needs
  • Four Things to Know About Journey Maps
  • Journey Map Example- The Whole Aquarium
  • More Journey Map Examples
  • Journey Map How To, 6 Steps
  • A Closer Look- Journey Maps for Retirement
  • Tools in Use Journey Mapping for the A ha Moment
  • Week 3 Quiz
  • Journey Map
  • Journey Mapping


Module 4: Personas

  • Why Develop Personas
  • Persona Snack Food Example
  • Personas and the Two by Two
  • Combining Personas and Journey Maps
  • Tools in Use Personas in Leisure Learning
  • Tools in Use Personas and Branding Kate!
  • Project Activity - Personas
  • Week 4 Quiz
  • Personas

Value Chain Analysis

Module 5: Value Chain Analysis

  • Value Chain Background and Steps
  • Value Chain Personal Computing Example
  • Project Activity - Value Chain Analysis
  • Week 5 Quiz
  • Value Chain Analysis
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