
Issues in Supply Chain Management

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Learners in the "Issues in Supply Chain Management" course at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding global trade agreements and their influence on the food supply chain. Through a detailed exploration of agricultural commodities, learners will compare and contrast the differences in world demand for food products between developing and developed countries. They will also examine the impacts of compliance with environmental regulations on food supply chains and discuss future technologies that may influence issues in the supply chain of food and food products. This course is part of the College of ACES suite of online programs and can be stacked toward a graduate certificate and degree.

Key learning outcomes include:

  • Discussing the influence of trade policy and international relationships on food supply and demand
  • Comparing and contrasting differences in world demand for food products between developing and developed countries
  • Examining the impacts of compliance with environmental regulations on food supply chains
  • Discussing future technologies that may influence issues in the supply chain of food and food products

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Issues in Supply Chain Management
Course Modules

This course comprises six modules, covering topics such as global trade, supply chain issues, future technologies, and concludes with information on stacking your certificate toward graduate coursework.


The course begins with a comprehensive orientation, introducing learners to the instructors, the syllabus, and flexible learning pathways. Learners will also complete an orientation quiz and engage in activities to get to know their classmates.

MODULE 1 | Global Trade

Module 1 delves into global trade, covering topics such as the trade of agricultural products, currency impacts, and international trade regulations. The module includes key takeaways and a quiz to assess understanding.

MODULE 2 | Global Trade Issues

Module 2 focuses on global trade issues, addressing topics like agricultural trade, free trade, food labeling, tariffs, and more. The module includes a panel discussion and additional resources for deeper understanding.

MODULE 3 | Supply Chain Issues of the Future

Module 3 explores supply chain issues of the future, discussing the growth of agriculture in different regions, implications of world and economic disruptions, sustainability issues, and their impact on the supply chain. Learners will engage with informative resources and complete a module quiz.

MODULE 4 | Technologies of the Future

Module 4 covers technologies of the future in the food supply chain, including topics such as vertical farming, plant-based and lab-produced meat, insect proteins, and a panel discussion on feeding the world versus sustainability concerns. The module provides insights into the meatless meat industry and its impact on the livestock industry, concluding with a module quiz.


The course concludes with a wrap-up, information about the graduate certificate course, and guidance on stacking the Coursera certificate toward graduate coursework. Learners will also receive their course certificate and complete a final assessment.

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