
Tópicos em Gestão Intercultural

Fundação Instituto de Administração

Tópicos em Gestão Intercultural provides a holistic exploration of intercultural management, encompassing diverse facets of geopolitics, negotiation, intercultural organizational management, and consumer behavior in international marketing.

Through this course, you will gain insights into handling cultural diversity in international business contexts, fostering essential competencies for global collaborations and success. With a focus on developing intercultural skills, this program equips learners with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of multicultural environments and leverage cultural differences to drive business growth.

Course Structure:

  • MODULE 1: Geopolitics and its Intercultural Movements
  • MODULE 2: Negotiation and Intercultural Relations
  • MODULE 3: Intercultural Management in Organizations
  • MODULE 4: Culture and Consumption in Digital Marketing

Certificate Available ✔

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Tópicos em Gestão Intercultural
Course Modules

Tópicos em Gestão Intercultural immerses learners in a comprehensive exploration of intercultural management, covering geopolitics, negotiation, intercultural organizational management, and consumer behavior in international marketing.

Geopolítica e seus Movimentos Interculturais

This module delves into the impacts of geopolitics on the economy, politics, sovereignty, and commercial agreements. By understanding the intercultural effects of strategic actions by different nations, learners will grasp the implications of economic recessions, commercial agreements, and cultural divergences.

Negociação e Relações Interculturais

This module explores the influence of globalization on organizational and cultural paradigms, emphasizing negotiation as a crucial skill for organizational survival. Learners will gain insights into ethical considerations, strategic alliances, and conflict resolution, essential for navigating diverse cultural and positional interests.

Gestão Intercultural nas Organizações

Through this module, participants will gain an understanding of the significance of cultural openness in international organizations. It will cover the complexities of managing virtual teams, multicultural communication, expatriation, and strategies to mitigate techno-stress in virtual environments.

Cultura e Consumo no Marketing Digital

This module focuses on the profound impact of cultural factors on consumer behavior and international marketing strategies. Participants will explore how cultural differences influence consumer behavior and the implementation of effective marketing strategies to meet diverse consumer needs and desires.

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