
Google Proje Yönetimi


Google Proje Yönetimi offers a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in entry-level project management positions. The course consists of six modules covering various aspects of project management, from foundational principles to agile methodologies.

  • Learn to define and compare project management methodologies, understand the importance of project initiation, and create project documentation.
  • Develop skills in project planning, risk management, budget estimation, and communication planning.
  • Gain insights into quality management, team dynamics, and the agile project management approach.
  • Apply the acquired knowledge through real-world scenarios, preparing for Project Management Institute certifications.

This program is an ideal choice for individuals seeking to enter the rapidly growing field of project management, regardless of their prior experience or educational background. Upon completion, participants can expect to be well-prepared for career advancement opportunities and equipped with the expertise to drive successful project outcomes.

Certificate Available ✔

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Google Proje Yönetimi
Course Modules

Acquire essential project management skills and knowledge through six comprehensive modules, covering foundational principles, project initiation, planning, execution, agile methodologies, and real-world application.

Proje Yönetiminin Temelleri

Gain a comprehensive understanding of project management skills, responsibilities, and lifecycles across various industries. Compare different program management methodologies and analyze their impact on project management.

Projeyi Başlatma: Projeye Başarıyla Adım Atma

Understand the significance of project initiation and its fundamental components. Learn stakeholder analysis, create project initiation documents, and evaluate project management tools to meet project requirements.

Proje Planlaması: Her Şeyi Bir Araya Getirmek

Explore the components and importance of project planning, create project and risk management plans, estimate and manage budgets, and develop communication plans.

Projeyi Yürütme: Projeyi Hayata Geçirme

Enhance your knowledge of quality management, data analysis, team dynamics, and project closure. Gain insights into creating effective stakeholder reports using various communication strategies.

Çevik Proje Yönetimi

Learn the principles and values of agile project management, understand Scrum activities and roles, and become proficient in coaching agile teams and overcoming challenges.

Bitirme Projesi: Proje Yönetimini Gerçek Dünyada Uygulamak

Apply your project management knowledge to real-world scenarios, prepare project initiation documents, define project tasks and milestones, determine quality standards, and create impactful stakeholder reports using diverse storytelling techniques.

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