
Principles of Management

Johns Hopkins University

Principles of Management is a dynamic course that equips team leads, managers, and entrepreneurs with essential skills to effectively manage teams, facilitate constructive conflict, and align team work with strategic objectives. The course delves into coaching, influencing without authority, strategic prioritization, project management, and ethical decision-making in the workplace.

Participants will learn to juggle team citizenship, leadership, ethics, strategy, and projects, ensuring their teams meet objectives on time, within budget, and to spec. The course emphasizes building and maintaining a high degree of trust among colleagues, direct reports, and superiors, thereby fostering a psychologically safe workplace culture.

  • Effectively manage teams
  • Facilitate constructive conflict & coach employees for success
  • Align team's work with strategic & project objectives
  • Make high-quality, ethical decisions

Certificate Available ✔

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Principles of Management
Course Modules

The course comprises modules on team management, coaching, strategic prioritization, and ethical decision-making, providing participants with essential skills for effective leadership and team management.

Introduction to Management: Communicating with Direct Reports & Teams

Welcome to Principles of Management, a comprehensive introduction to team management and communication. Participants will learn the fundamentals of managing teams, creating successful teams, and launching successful teams. The module also covers intent vs. impact, effective listening, and productive conflict resolution.

Coaching Direct Reports & Teams and Influencing Without Authority

The Coaching Direct Reports & Teams module delves into coaching skills, the coaching process, and applying coaching to performance shortfalls. It also covers influencing without authority, building psychologically safe workplaces, and driving employee motivation.

Strategy, Priorities, Projects

The Strategy, Priorities, & Projects module provides insights into strategic analysis, priority management, and project management. Participants will learn about managing priorities, project planning, risk assessment, and effective project execution and monitoring.

Making High-Quality, Ethical Decisions

The Making High-Quality, Ethical Decisions module focuses on values clarification, ethical decision-making frameworks, and the impact of cognitive biases on decision-making. It also addresses team decision-making, ethical behavior at work, and influencing ethical behavior.

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