
تصميم تجربة المستخدم من Google


Embark on a career in user experience design with Google's professional training. Over 7 courses, you'll learn to empathize with users, identify their needs, and create wireframes and prototypes. Gain hands-on experience in creating professional UX portfolios with three comprehensive projects. Upon completion, be ready to apply for entry-level positions in UX design.

Learn fundamental UX research concepts, including usability studies and research synthesis. Master designing responsive web and mobile applications using Figma and Adobe XD. Benefit from the success of Google's certified professionals, with 82% reporting positive career outcomes within 6 months of completion.

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تصميم تجربة المستخدم من Google
Course Modules

This course covers foundational principles and practical skills in UX design, including empathizing with users, creating wireframes and prototypes, conducting UX research, and designing responsive web and mobile applications.

أسس تصميم تجربة المستخدم (UX)

Gain insight into the common responsibilities of beginner UX designers and collaborative teams. Learn essential UX design concepts such as user-centric design, accessibility, and stock-focused design. Understand the importance of design sprints and create an online portfolio to showcase your work.

بدء عملية تصميم تجربة المستخدم: التعاطف والتحديد والتصور

Explore common UX research methods and learn to empathize with users, identify their needs and complaints, and develop possible solutions. Prepare problem presentations to define user needs.

إنشاء إطارات شبكية ونماذج أوّلية منخفضة الدقة

Create storyboards to generate ideas for user needs solutions. Develop wireframes on paper and digitally using Figma, and create paper prototypes for interactive designs. Design low-fidelity prototypes in Figma.

إجراء بحث تجربة المستخدم واختبار المفاهيم المبكرة

Plan and conduct supervised and unsupervised usability studies. Gather insights from usability studies and present them convincingly. Modify low-fidelity designs based on research insights.

إنشاء تصميمات ونماذج أوّلية عالية الدقة في Figma

Construct trial and high-fidelity prototypes in Figma, applying common visual design elements. Understand the use of design systems to organize, standardize, and improve designs. Comprehend the role of design critique sessions and feedback during iterative design improvements.

تصميم ويب سريع الاستجابة في Adobe XD

Apply the complete UX design process (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test) to create a responsive web application in Adobe XD. Plan site maps and information architecture for web designs. Complete the web design project and include it in your professional UX portfolio.

تصميم تجربة مستخدم من أجل الصالح الاجتماعي والاستعداد للوظائف

Apply the complete UX design process to create a portfolio project. Create storyboards, trial prototypes, and low and high-fidelity prototypes for a custom mobile app and responsive web application. Prepare for a successful entry-level UX design job interview and determine if freelance design work is suitable.

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