
Data Literacy

Johns Hopkins University

This Data Literacy specialization offered by Johns Hopkins University is designed for professionals seeking to develop the skills necessary for interpreting statistical results. Through four courses and a capstone project, participants will cover descriptive statistics, data visualization, measurement, regression modeling, probability, and uncertainty. The program aims to prepare individuals to interpret and critically evaluate quantitative analysis in various fields relying on data-driven decision-making.

The specialization begins with an introduction to data and statistics, followed by a course on measurement, providing a framework for creating and evaluating quantitative measures. The third module focuses on quantifying relationships with regression models, while the fourth module delves into probability and uncertainty in statistics. The capstone course requires participants to apply their acquired skills and knowledge to critically evaluate an original quantitative analysis.

  • Develop essential statistical skills
  • Cover descriptive statistics, data visualization, and more
  • Apply skills to the critical evaluation of an original quantitative analysis

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Data Literacy
Course Modules

The Data Literacy specialization by Johns Hopkins University covers essential statistical skills, including descriptive statistics, measurement, regression modeling, probability, and uncertainty, culminating in a capstone project.

Data – What It Is, What We Can Do With It

This course introduces students to data and statistics, providing a framework for thinking about the various purposes of statistical analysis. Participants will learn how to interpret descriptive statistics, causal analyses, and visualizations to draw meaningful insights. The course covers the development of a research study for causal analysis, computation and interpretation of descriptive statistics, and the design of effective visualizations. It aims to equip individuals with the fundamental tools of data literacy for data-driven decision-making.

Measurement – Turning Concepts into Data

The Measurement course provides a framework for creating and evaluating quantitative measures. Participants will explore various approaches for quantifying complex concepts such as health, educational attainment, and trust in government. The course covers different levels of measurement, ways to transform variables, construction and evaluation of measurement models, surveys, and the judgment of measure quality. This course aims to equip individuals with the ability to develop and critically assess measures for concepts worth studying, essential for a good analysis.

Quantifying Relationships with Regression Models

This course introduces the linear regression model, a powerful tool for measuring the relationship between multiple variables. Participants will learn to interpret and critically evaluate a multivariate regression analysis, including the components of a bivariate regression model, creating and interpreting multivariate, binary dependent variable, and interactive models, and incorporating different types of variables into a model. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of regression models for both descriptive and causal inference.

What are the Chances? Probability and Uncertainty in Statistics

The Probability and Uncertainty course focuses on how analysts can measure and describe the confidence they have in their findings. Participants will learn about key probability rules and concepts, application to variables and their associated probability distributions, computation and interpretation of uncertainty, and the role of hypothesis testing in a regression context. By the end of the course, individuals should be able to discuss statistical findings in probabilistic terms and interpret the uncertainty of a particular estimate.

Data Literacy Capstone – Evaluating Research

In the Data Literacy Capstone course, participants apply the skills and knowledge acquired in the specialization to critically evaluate an original quantitative analysis. The project involves identifying and reading a piece of high-quality, original, quantitative research, interpreting and evaluating the findings and methodological approach, and reviewing other students' submissions. The course aims to empower individuals to be critical consumers and users of quantitative research, essential for data-driven decision-making.

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