
職場素養 (Professionalism)

National Taiwan University

Explore the essence of international workplace professionalism and develop essential skills to seamlessly integrate into professional environments. The course covers self-leadership, effective communication, emotional intelligence, professional image construction, and cultural refinement.

The curriculum is designed to equip students with the necessary insight and abilities to transition from novices to experts, effectively leveraging their knowledge and strengths in the workplace.

  • Introduction to 'Professionalism' and core content
  • Enhancing communication skills, including language, non-verbal communication, and addressing common workplace communication challenges
  • Strengthening emotional intelligence and leadership capabilities
  • Constructing a professional image and managing impressions
  • Enhancing cultural refinement and cultivating positive workplace values

Certificate Available ✔

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職場素養 (Professionalism)
Course Modules

This course comprises six modules covering the essence of professionalism, communication skills, emotional intelligence, professional image construction, and cultural refinement. Each module includes comprehensive insights and practical exercises to develop essential workplace competencies.

第一講 認識『職場素養』

Gain insight into the core concepts of professionalism and self-leadership, understanding the essential elements necessary for success in the workplace. The module also provides guidance on assessment methods and addresses common inquiries related to the course content.

第二講 鍛鍊『溝通能力』(一)

Enhance communication skills by recognizing cognitive differences, mastering effective language expression, and understanding non-verbal communication in social settings. The module also includes practical exercises to reinforce learning.

第三講 鍛鍊『溝通能力』(二)

Address common workplace communication challenges, understand the art of questioning, and establish trust. The module also delves into the significance of vocal tone in professional communication.

第四講 強化『心緒智能』

Strengthen emotional intelligence by exploring the connection between thought, focus, and mind-body relationships. Additionally, learn to manage emotions effectively and develop leadership capabilities. The module includes practical exercises to enhance skills.

第五講 建構『專業形象』

Construct a professional image and manage impressions effectively by understanding and managing stereotypes, refining appearance, and cultivating a professional demeanor. Practical exercises are provided to reinforce learning.

第六講 提升『人文素養』與『教養』

Develop cultural refinement and positive workplace values, understanding the essence of cultural refinement, refining behavior, and cultivating positive workplace values. The module also concludes with words of encouragement and motivation.

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