
Foundations of Professional Identity

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Discover the Foundations of Professional Identity course, which provides crucial skills for navigating ethical dilemmas and building a positive reputation in the workplace. Through real-life scenarios and expert insights, learn to identify and meet ethical challenges, make analytical decisions, and develop tools for success.

Key topics include understanding personal values, recognizing and solving ethical problems, and crafting personal scripts for effective communication. This comprehensive course cultivates professional success skills alongside specific job skills, essential for anyone aspiring to make a positive impact, become a leader, and advance in their career.

Certificate Available ✔

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Foundations of Professional Identity
Course Modules

Foundations of Professional Identity offers a comprehensive exploration of ethical decision-making, values, and reputation-building, providing essential soft skills for success in the workplace.

Course Orientation

Welcome to Foundations of Professional Identity! This module provides an overview of the course and familiarizes learners with the syllabus, discussion forums, and essential tools. Engage in an orientation quiz, update your profile, and connect with classmates to kickstart your learning journey.

Week 1: Introduction and Who Are You?

Week 1: Introduction and Who Are You? Delve into the importance of personal values, reputation-building, and developing a Personal Leadership Credo (PLC). Explore real-life scenarios and expert insights to understand how to articulate your values and integrate them into your professional identity.

Week 2: Opening Up Problems through the Decision-Making Framework (DMF)

Week 2: Opening Up Problems through the Decision-Making Framework (DMF) Learn a methodical approach to open up and solve problems using the Decision-Making Framework (DMF). Explore the application of DMF in real-life scenarios and understand how to anticipate outcomes to prevent potential problems.

Week 3: Career TRAGEDIES: Recognizing and Avoiding Them

Week 3: Career TRAGEDIES: Recognizing and Avoiding Them This module focuses on identifying and avoiding career tragedies by recognizing conflicts with instincts, feelings, and navigating pressure from groups, peers, and authorities. Learn to identify and address problematic systems and behaviors in the workplace.

Week 4: Knowing What To Do Isn't Enough – How Do You Say It?

Week 4: Knowing What To Do Isn't Enough – How Do You Say It? Discover the importance of effective communication in addressing ethical dilemmas and conflicts in the workplace. Construct personal scripts, understand the impact of framing and mindset, and learn how to prevent and solve problems through effective communication.

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