
Artificial Intelligence and legal issues

Politecnico di Milano

Explore the legal landscape of artificial intelligence with the "Artificial Intelligence and Legal Issues" course offered by Politecnico di Milano. This comprehensive program equips students with the knowledge to navigate the intricate legal implications surrounding the design and utilization of AI systems.

Throughout the course, students will delve into the multifaceted aspects of AI and law, gaining insights into the legal risks, protections, and legislation pertinent to this burgeoning field. The curriculum encompasses an in-depth examination of civil and criminal liability, protection of intellectual property, and the profound impacts of AI on fundamental individual rights, including privacy and non-discrimination.

  • Understand the legal implications surrounding the use of AI
  • Master the main legal concepts of liability and compensation for damages arising from intelligent systems
  • Examine the application of criminal law principles in cases involving AI
  • Comprehend the distinctions between copyright and patent, and the risks AI poses to fundamental rights and freedoms

Embark on a transformative learning journey and broaden your understanding of the legal dimensions of artificial intelligence with this insightful course.

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Artificial Intelligence and legal issues
Course Modules

Delve into the legal landscape of artificial intelligence with this course. From an introduction to AI and law to exploring liability, intellectual property, and fundamental rights, each module offers valuable insights and knowledge.

Artificial Intelligence, Law and legal issues

Gain a foundational understanding of the intersection of artificial intelligence and law with the "Artificial Intelligence, Law, and Legal Issues" course. This module provides an introduction and general overview of AI and law, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of the legal implications.

  • Introduction to AI and law
  • General overview of the legal implications

Artificial Intelligence and Liability

Explore the complexities of liability in the context of artificial intelligence. This module delves into civil liability, compensation for damages, the existing legal framework, and the implications of criminal liability related to the production and use of intelligent systems.

  • An in-depth examination of civil liability and compensation for damages
  • Analysis of the existing legal framework
  • Implications of criminal liability in the context of intelligent systems

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property

Uncover the nuances of intellectual property as it pertains to artificial intelligence. This module addresses the protection of intelligent systems in relation to copyright, AI's impact on patentability, and the protection of works created by AI.

  • Exploration of the protection of intelligent systems through copyright
  • Analysis of AI's impact on patentability
  • Protection of works created by AI

Artificial Intelligence and risks to fundamental rights

Examine the far-reaching implications of artificial intelligence on fundamental rights. This module focuses on the protection of privacy, risks to fundamental freedoms, and the legal framework ensuring AI compliance with privacy regulations.

  • Protection of privacy in the context of AI
  • Risks to fundamental freedoms posed by AI
  • Legal framework ensuring AI compliance with privacy regulations
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