
Incrementar - Parte 2 y Controlar

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Explore advanced tools for process improvement and control with the "Incrementar - Parte 2 y Controlar" course. This comprehensive program delves into the DMAIC methodology of Lean Six Sigma, offering a blend of quantitative and qualitative techniques to enhance process performance and stability.

Throughout the course, participants will delve into predictive mathematical modeling using multiple linear regression and polynomial regression in the improvement stage. Additionally, they will be introduced to Lean tools such as Kanban and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) to optimize process performance by ensuring stability and minimizing material shortages and equipment failures.

In the control stage, participants will learn about Statistical Process Control (SPC) as a method to monitor process performance and detect patterns that could lead to non-conformities. The course also covers lean manufacturing tools such as Poka Yoke for error prevention and the A3 problem-solving technique.

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to identify root causes using quantitative tools, control processes through statistical techniques, and stabilize and manage processes using lean methodologies.

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Incrementar - Parte 2 y Controlar
Course Modules

The course encompasses modules on multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, statistical process control, lean tools like Kanban and TPM, and problem-solving techniques such as Poka Yoke and A3.

Análisis de regresión múltiple

The "Análisis de regresión múltiple" module delves into the mathematical modeling of variables using multiple linear regression, providing insights into applications and evaluations. Participants will gain practical knowledge through examples and tools such as Microsoft Excel and Minitab, preparing them to utilize regression analysis effectively in real-world scenarios.

Control estadístico de proceso

The "Control estadístico de proceso" module introduces participants to the essentials of statistical process control, covering different types of control charts and their applications. Participants will learn to generate and interpret control charts using Minitab, enabling them to monitor process performance and identify patterns effectively.

Herramientas de estabilidad

In the "Herramientas de estabilidad" module, participants will explore lean tools such as Kanban and Heijunka, focusing on achieving process stability and flow. This module also includes an assessment and a final project to apply the learned concepts in a practical setting, fostering an in-depth understanding of lean methodologies.

Herramientas de Solución y control

The "Herramientas de Solución y control" module introduces participants to problem-solving tools such as Jidoka and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), emphasizing their significance in ensuring process efficiency and minimizing errors. This module also features an expert interview and a comprehensive final evaluation to reinforce the acquired knowledge.

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