
Liderazgo y comunicación

Universidad de Palermo

Discover the intrinsic qualities and acquired skills that contribute to effective leadership in the Liderazgo y Comunicación course offered by Universidad de Palermo. Explore the dynamic relationship between leadership and communication, gaining insight into the importance of adapting leadership styles to different circumstances.

Throughout this course, you will learn to recognize different leadership types and develop effective communication strategies for engaging with diverse teams. Gain valuable tools for decision-making, resource coordination, and supervision. Understand the pivotal role of a leader and the significant impact of their actions within the organizational framework.

  • Identify common characteristics of leaders
  • Learn about the situational nature of leadership
  • Understand the importance of goal-setting and the skills required for effective communication
  • Explore the role of a leader as a coach, mentor, and creator of a trustworthy environment

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Liderazgo y comunicación
Course Modules

Uncover the complexities of leadership and communication through four modules that cover topics such as the psychology of leadership, communication styles, effective goal setting, and the role of a leader as a coach and creator of a trusting atmosphere.

Contrato psicológico y habilidades sociales

Delve into the psychological aspects of leadership and social skills, understanding the origins of leadership, the power dynamics, motivations, principles of communication, and the impact of communication difficulties.

Estilos de liderazgo y el lenguaje

Explore various leadership styles, situational leadership, non-verbal communication, and the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Definición de objetivos y habilidades para trasmitirlos

Understand the importance of setting SMART goals, the values that underpin teamwork, and the construction of assumptions and paradigms. Delve into the conceptual model of the ladder of inference.

El líder como formador, coach y propiciador de clima de confianza

Discover the role of a leader as a talent manager, the essence of coaching, the significance of feedback, and the capitalization of errors for value creation. Differentiate between a leader and a boss.

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