
Plan de Negocios

Universidad de Palermo

Embark on a transformative learning journey with the 'Plan de Negocios' course from Universidad de Palermo. This comprehensive program delves into the intricacies of strategic planning, market analysis, and uncertainty management in the ever-evolving business world. Through a series of engaging modules, you'll gain valuable insights into constructing future scenarios, developing compelling value propositions, and making informed decisions based on market analysis.

Key components of the course include:

  • Understanding the impact of the VUCA world on project development
  • Exploring the strategic planning process and its role in project management
  • Developing a robust business plan and assessing organizational structures
  • Investigating market opportunities and designing compelling value propositions
  • Planning and projecting revenues based on market analysis
  • Conducting sensitivity analysis to manage uncertainty and make informed decisions

Immerse yourself in this dynamic course and gain the skills needed to navigate the complexities of modern business environments.

Certificate Available ✔

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Plan de Negocios
Course Modules

The course modules in 'Plan de Negocios' cover a wide array of topics, including strategic planning, market analysis, and value proposition development. Gain insights into future scenario building, revenue planning, and more.

Proyectar hacia el futuro

Module 1 provides a comprehensive introduction to the course, covering the decision to embark on new ventures, the impact of the VUCA world, and the role of strategic planning in project management. Gain insights into the influence of technology on future scenarios and the complexities of digital transformation.

Plan de negocios

Dive into the intricacies of business planning in Module 2, exploring the reasons for creating a business plan, the components of a robust plan, and the evolution of organizational structures. Delve into the agile methodologies and key evaluation questions to enhance your business planning skills.


Module 3 focuses on understanding the target audience, utilizing tools for research, and delving into emotional marketing and market analysis. Gain valuable insights into developing compelling value propositions and exploring the intersection of purpose and business.

Análisis económico-financiero. Sensibilidad

In Module 4, explore the economic and financial analysis, including the projected results matrix, investment planning, critical variables, and sensitivity analysis. Gain the skills needed to make informed decisions and evaluate the financial viability of your business plans.

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