
Detección de objetos

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Explore the fascinating realm of computer vision with the "Detección de objetos" course. This comprehensive program delves into the fundamental principles of automatic object detection and recognition in images. Throughout the course, you will gain insights into different methods for image representation, feature extraction, and classification, equipping you to tackle increasingly complex application scenarios.

The course content is structured around a basic framework for object detection and recognition, gradually introducing diverse techniques for image feature extraction and representation, as well as various classification alternatives. By the course's conclusion, you will be able to design tailored solutions for various object detection and recognition challenges, possess a deep understanding of image description and classification techniques, and be adept at developing real-world applications for object detection and recognition.

  • Gain a solid understanding of image formation and convolution's application in contour detection
  • Explore various image descriptors such as Local Binary Pattern and Histogram of Oriented Gradients
  • Learn classification methods including Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, and Convolutional Neural Network
  • Develop the skills to design your own object detection and recognition systems for diverse applications

Certificate Available ✔

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Detección de objetos
Course Modules

Embark on a comprehensive journey through the principles and techniques of object detection and recognition within images. From basic concepts to advanced methods, this course equips you with the skills to develop your own solutions for diverse application scenarios.


Explore the foundational concepts of object detection, including image formation, pixel characteristics, and template matching. Gain an understanding of different methods for image representation and classification, setting the stage for the subsequent modules.


Dive into the world of image classification with a focus on Local Binary Patterns, Histogram LBP, and Regression Logistic. Explore the intricacies of these methods and their application in classifying objects within images.


Delve into the specifics of object detection, covering topics such as candidate generation, evaluation of classification by window, and training and validation sets. Gain practical experience through example code and proposed exercises.


Uncover the complexities of building a detector based on HOG/SVM, including the calculation of gradients, histograms, and the fundamental concepts of Support Vector Machines. Test and enhance your knowledge with example code and supplementary materials.


Learn about building a detector based on Haar/Adaboost, covering integral images, Adaboost, and the implementation details of a cascaded classifier. Strengthen your understanding with additional materials and self-assessment exercises.


Explore advanced techniques such as DPM models, domain adaptation, Convolutional Neural Networks, and various image modalities. Gain a comprehensive understanding of cutting-edge methods for object detection and recognition.

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