
Sesenta años de inteligencia artificial

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Join the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México for an enlightening journey through the evolution and impact of artificial intelligence in the course "Sesenta años de inteligencia artificial."

Delve into the historical roots, current advancements, and future prospects of AI, while also examining the societal, ethical, and philosophical dimensions of this transformative field.

  • Gain insights into the origins and development of AI, from the Turing test to present-day innovations.
  • Explore fundamental concepts such as intelligence, cognition, and language, and their relevance to AI.
  • Assess the achievements, limitations, and real-world applications of AI in contemporary society.
  • Contemplate the potential societal, ethical, and philosophical implications of future AI developments.

Enroll in this thought-provoking course to broaden your understanding of AI and its multifaceted impact on our world.

Certificate Available ✔

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Sesenta años de inteligencia artificial
Course Modules

Embark on a captivating exploration of artificial intelligence across four modules, covering its historical roots, fundamental concepts, current achievements, and future prospects.

El pensamiento de la inteligencia artificial

Embark on a captivating exploration of the historical developments and foundational principles of artificial intelligence. From the inception of the discipline to modern-day insights, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of AI's evolution.

  • Discover the origins and milestones of AI, from its early beginnings to contemporary breakthroughs.
  • Gain insights from an interview with Rodney Brooks, a prominent figure in the field of AI.


Delve into the essential concepts underpinning artificial intelligence, including intelligence, cognition, language, and robotics. Explore the synthetic method, predictive capabilities, and the role of AI as a tool for search and adaptation.

  • Examine the fundamental concepts that form the basis of artificial intelligence and its applications.

El presente de la inteligencia artificial

Explore the current landscape of artificial intelligence, assessing its accomplishments, limitations, and pervasive presence in various domains. Gain insights into the roles of robots, bots, and the societal impact of AI.

  • Assess the current achievements and limitations of AI, and its widespread applications in modern society.

El futuro de la inteligencia artificial

Contemplate the future of artificial intelligence, from envisioned possibilities to the societal, ethical, and philosophical implications of its advancement. Reflect on the potential impacts of AI on society, ethics, and philosophy.

  • Consider the potential societal, ethical, and philosophical implications of future AI developments.
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