
Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This course delves into the intricate relationship between macroeconomic variables, personal and professional activities, and public policies. It equips learners with the knowledge to interpret and analyze macroeconomic data effectively, laying the groundwork for a deeper understanding of economic mechanisms.

Participants will gain insight into various components of the economy, including trade and budget deficits, and their interaction with private savings. Additionally, the course delves into the intricacies of foreign currency and money markets, offering fundamental models for interest rate and exchange rate determination.

The comprehensive curriculum enables learners to systematically assess the national and international economic landscape, empowering them to analyze macroeconomic issues using essential tools. By the course's conclusion, participants can apply their enhanced understanding to become more effective professionals in their respective fields.

Certificate Available ✔

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Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules that cover key macroeconomic indicators, GDP components, balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, and money, interest rate, and exchange rate dynamics, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of macroeconomic variables and market mechanisms.

Course Orientation

Welcome to Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets! This module provides an overview of the course and familiarizes learners with online education at Gies College of Business. It also includes a syllabus, glossary, and an orientation quiz to prepare participants for the learning journey.

Module 1: Key Macroeconomic Indicators and Their Measurement

Module 1 delves into key macroeconomic indicators and their measurement, including GDP, unemployment rate, and inflation. Participants will gain essential knowledge about interpreting macroeconomic data and analyzing GDP across countries. The module includes quizzes and a peer review assignment to reinforce learning.

Module 2: GDP Components, Twin Deficits, and Balance of Payments

Module 2 explores GDP components, twin deficits, and the balance of payments, shedding light on the roles of government and the rest of the world in the macroeconomy. Learners will gain insights into the fundamental macroeconomic identity and its components, along with a comprehensive understanding of the balance of payments. Quizzes and a practice assignment are included to solidify understanding.

Module 3: The Foreign Exchange Market

Module 3 provides an in-depth exploration of the foreign exchange market, covering topics such as the basics of the market, exchange rates, spot and forward markets, and their interaction with macroeconomic conditions. Participants will engage in quizzes and a peer review assignment to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios.

Module 4: Money, Interest Rate, and the Exchange Rate

Module 4 delves into money, interest rates, and exchange rate dynamics, encompassing the role of money in the economy, money supply and demand, money market equilibrium, and the relationship between money, inflation, and interest rates. The module also covers banks, balance sheets, and capital adequacy requirements. Participants will conclude the course by completing quizzes and obtaining their course certificate.

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