
Machine Learning for Accounting with Python

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This comprehensive course, Machine Learning for Accounting with Python, offered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, delves into the realm of machine learning and its practical use in accounting. It equips students with the knowledge to apply machine learning models to business-related datasets using Python. The course covers essential concepts such as classification, regression, clustering, text analysis, and time series analysis, along with model evaluation and optimization.

The course serves as a natural progression from the prerequisite course, Accounting Data Analytics with Python, and is conducted on the Jupyter Notebook platform. It empowers students to complete the entire data analytics process with Python, from data understanding and preparation to modeling and model evaluation.

Throughout the course, students learn about various machine learning algorithms and gain hands-on experience in applying these models to datasets using Python in Jupyter Notebook. They also acquire the skills to evaluate and optimize machine learning models, preparing them to solve diverse accounting problems effectively.

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Machine Learning for Accounting with Python
Course Modules

Machine Learning for Accounting with Python covers an introduction to machine learning, fundamental algorithms, model evaluation, model optimization, text analysis, clustering, and time series data. Each module provides comprehensive insights and practical application of machine learning concepts.

Introduction to the Course

This module provides an overview of the course, including details about the instructor, syllabus, glossary, and the online education platform used. Students can also familiarize themselves with the discussion forums and engage with their peers.

Module 1: Introduction to Machine Learning

Module 1 introduces students to the fundamentals of machine learning, focusing on topics such as data preprocessing, machine learning algorithms, and their application. The module includes a quiz and a programming assignment to reinforce the concepts learned.

Module 2: Fundamental Algorithms I

Module 2 delves into fundamental machine learning algorithms, including linear regression, logistic regression, and decision trees. Students gain practical experience through a quiz and a programming assignment to solidify their understanding.

Module 3: Fundamental Algorithms II

Module 3 expands on fundamental algorithms, covering topics such as K-nearest neighbors, support vector machine, and bagging and random forest. The module includes a quiz and a programming assignment to assess students' grasp of the concepts.

Module 4: Model Evaluation

Module 4 focuses on model evaluation, including regressive evaluation metrics and classification evaluation metrics. Students engage in a quiz and a programming assignment to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Module 5: Model Optimization

Module 5 explores model optimization, discussing feature selection, cross-validation, and model selection. The module includes a quiz and a comprehensive programming assignment to sharpen students' skills in optimizing machine learning models.

Module 6: Introduction to Text Analysis

Module 6 provides an introduction to text analysis, covering topics such as text analytics and text classification. Students can test their understanding through a quiz and a programming assignment focused on text analysis.

Module 7: Introduction to Clustering

Module 7 introduces students to clustering, including K-means clustering, density-based clustering, and a case study. The module incorporates a quiz and a programming assignment to enhance students' proficiency in clustering techniques.

Module 8: Introduction to Time Series Data

Module 8 offers insights into time series data, encompassing working with dates and times and analyzing time series data. After completing this module, students can obtain their course certificate and provide feedback on the course.

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