
Sales Operations/Management

West Virginia University

Sales Operations/Management offers comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for effective sales management. Covering organizing, training, motivating, and supervising the sales force, territory management, and legal and ethical standards, this course equips students with the expertise needed for successful sales management careers.

The learning outcomes include:

  • Developing a plan for organizing, staffing, and training a sales force.
  • Identifying key factors for maintaining high morale in the sales force.
  • Developing an effective sales compensation plan.
  • Evaluating salesperson performance.
  • Organizing sales territories for maximum effectiveness.
  • Evaluating sales and sales management strategies in relation to legal and ethical standards.

Certificate Available ✔

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Sales Operations/Management
Course Modules

This course comprises five modules covering account management, sales force design, personnel administration, financial aspects, forecasting, budgeting, territories, evaluation, and legal/ethical issues. The final project involves applying knowledge to analyze real-world sales management practices.

Account Management & Sales Force Design

Account Management & Sales Force Design introduces various sales methods, strategic planning, responsibilities of a sales manager, sales operations, and the personal selling process. Learners gain insight into the concept of a buying center.

Sales Force Management

Sales Force Management covers hiring, job design, recruitment processes, tools of recruitment, the role of training in sales force development, and motivating salespeople for organizational success.

Compensation, Expenses and Quotas

Compensation, Expenses and Quotas delves into financial aspects of managing a sales force, including sales force compensation options, expense management plans, and the use of quotas to help salespeople achieve goals.

Forecasting, Budgeting, Territories, Evaluation and Legal/Ethical Issues

Forecasting, Budgeting, Territories, Evaluation and Legal/Ethical Issues details forecasting, budgeting methods, territory development, sales performance evaluation, and addresses legal and ethical concerns facing sales managers.

Sales Operations: Final Project

Sales Operations: Final Project requires learners to analyze real-world sales management practices in a business with a sales function, culminating in a critical analysis of a specific sales manager's practices.

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