Johns Hopkins University offers a diverse array of courses spanning the fields of medicine, public health, and data science. Known for its world-class faculty and cutting-edge research, the courses at Johns Hopkins offer a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge.
99 Johns Hopkins University Courses
Teaching Writing Final Project: Learners integrate learned components to enhance their teaching or writing. Apply theories, strategies, and practices to any student,...
This course introduces the crucial role of IT support staff in healthcare. It explores the unique challenges and opportunities in this field, providing insights...
This course provides an introduction to essential tools and concepts for data scientists. Students will learn to set up R, R-Studio, GitHub, and other useful tools,...
The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health offers an engaging exploration of public health achievements and tools, providing a deeper understanding and enthusiasm...
The Persuasive Leader course equips post-baccalaureate students with agile and persuasive leadership skills. It delves into the nature and benefits of persuasive...
Tidyverse Skills for Data Science in R offers a comprehensive exploration of the Tidyverse framework, covering data importing, wrangling, visualization, and modeling....
This course teaches the fundamentals of scientific research, emphasizing uncertainty reduction through Bayesian methods and the role of research in critical thinking...
Understanding Prostate Cancer provides a comprehensive overview of the biology, diagnosis, staging, and treatment of prostate cancer, offering essential knowledge...
Integrate sensors with your Raspberry Pi through core concepts and techniques. Learn how to design and calibrate sensors, interface analog sensors, and post-process...