
Liderazgo y Pensamiento Crítico

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Enhance your leadership and critical thinking abilities with the Liderazgo y Pensamiento Crítico program offered by Tecnológico de Monterrey. This specialized program is designed for leaders aiming to consolidate their leadership and critical thinking skills within an organization, making a positive impact on organizational behavior and human flourishing.

Through a series of three courses, participants will develop competencies in motivation, negotiation, and leadership oriented towards human flourishing. The program's focus on developing a leadership style that aligns with individual strengths and situational needs, along with the application of critical thinking in decision-making processes, provides a comprehensive skill set for aspiring leaders.

  • Develop motivating and effective tasks for yourself and others.
  • Communicate your perspective credibly and persuasively to others.
  • Identify theories of knowledge that underpin critical thinking.
  • Apply a methodology for critical thinking.
  • Understand the relationship between happiness, leadership, and flourishing.

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Liderazgo y Pensamiento Crítico
Course Modules

Enhance your leadership and critical thinking skills through three comprehensive courses: Liderazgo y comportamiento organizacional, Pensamiento crítico: toma de decisiones razonadas, and Liderazgo orientado al florecimiento humano.

Liderazgo y comportamiento organizacional

Develop your leadership style to adapt to your strengths and situational needs. Design motivating and effective tasks for yourself and others while communicating your perspective credibly and persuasively to others.

Pensamiento crítico: toma de decisiones razonadas

Identify the theories of knowledge that support critical thinking and apply a methodology for its implementation. Learn to apply critical thinking in group settings for reasoned decision-making.

Liderazgo orientado al florecimiento humano

Identify personal improvement opportunities within the five elements of the leadership model for human flourishing. Develop competencies to optimize results at work and understand the relationship between happiness, leadership, and flourishing.

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