
Business Value and Project Management

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

In the Business Value and Project Management course, students will delve into the intricacies of financial accounting, organizational principles, and project planning and execution. Through this comprehensive 6-course Specialization, learners will gain a well-rounded understanding of the fundamental components necessary for building and sustaining a successful business.

The course covers topics such as analyzing balance sheets and cash flow statements, accrual accounting, organizational growth strategies, managerial challenges, and a variety of project planning models including the waterfall and agile approaches. Students will also explore effective organizational design, governance, and change planning, enabling them to strategically respond to external factors affecting businesses.

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Business Value and Project Management
Course Modules

The course modules cover foundational financial accounting, advanced financial topics, organizational design, management principles, and comprehensive project planning and execution strategies.

Financial Accounting: Foundations

In the Financial Accounting: Foundations module, students will gain an in-depth understanding of financial accounting information, including coding financial transactions, accrual accounting, and revenue recognition principles. This knowledge will empower learners to analyze balance sheets, cash flow statements, and manage short-term assets effectively.

Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics

The Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics module delves into accounting for assets with more than one-year life, fixed assets, financing of assets, liabilities, shareholders' equity, and cash flows statement preparation and analysis. Students will acquire advanced financial accounting skills essential for effective organizational management.

Designing the Organization

Designing the Organization focuses on analyzing organizations from multiple perspectives, planning for effective organizational governance, developing systems for growth and change, and strategically responding to external environmental factors. Learners will gain the tools needed to design more effective organizations.

Managing the Organization

Managing the Organization equips students with the ability to analyze common managerial challenges, use power effectively for organizational change, understand organizational culture and decision-making, navigate decision-making pitfalls and ethical challenges, and apply organizational management principles to common management challenges.

Project Initiation and Planning

Project Initiation and Planning covers traditional linear processes like the waterfall approach and dynamic iterative approaches such as agile and hybrid models. Learners will gain the skills needed to effectively initiate and plan projects, maximizing the chances of successful outcomes.

Project Execution and Control

Project Execution and Control focuses on managing projects, including successful plan execution, progress evaluation in a waterfall approach, and the agile approach to project management. Students will learn to utilize tools and techniques from both approaches to empower effective project management.

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