
The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process

The State University of New York

The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process delves into the dynamics of nonprofit boards and their impact on organizational success. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the elements that shape board effectiveness and governance in the context of North American culture.

Throughout the course, participants will examine the formal procedures and structures within the board that influence its performance, as well as the role of board composition and development. Additionally, they will explore the significance of board culture and the role of leadership in shaping it. The course culminates in a review of the content, a written assignment, and two multiple-choice Readiness Assurance Tests (RATs).

  • Explore the factors influencing the effectiveness of board meetings and the formal procedures and structures that impact board performance
  • Examine the importance of board composition and development and the challenges in changing the composition of the board
  • Understand the significance of board culture and the role of leadership in shaping it
  • Participate in RATs and discuss them in the forums for further learning and engagement

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The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process
Course Modules

This course comprises modules exploring board operating procedures, structures, and meetings, board composition and development, board culture and leadership, as well as individual and group concept testing and application.

Board Operating Procedures, Structures, and Meetings

Module 1: Board Operating Procedures, Structures, and Meetings

  • Explore the conceptual framework of board effectiveness
  • Engage in discussions on board engagement and leadership in nonprofit organizations
  • Review required and recommended texts for deeper insights

The Composition and Development of the Board

Module 2: The Composition and Development of the Board

  • Examine the significance of board diversity and its impact on board effectiveness
  • Participate in discussions on the design and development of the ideal mix of board members

Board Culture and Leadership

Module 3: Board Culture and Leadership

  • Understand the importance of board culture and its impact on organizational success
  • Explore the role of leadership in shaping and managing board culture

Individual Concept Testing and Application

Module 4: Individual Concept Testing and Application

  • Engage in RAT peer discussions and polling for further learning
  • Participate in post-peer learning forums for deeper understanding

Group Concept Testing and Application

Module 5: Group Concept Testing and Application

  • Participate in RAT application exercise peer discussions and polling
  • Engage in post-peer learning forums to enhance knowledge and application
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